Pakistani Village Girl Going to MIT
As my day of departure from Pakistan comes closer, my senses seem to work extra special. My nose now smells that hint of familiarity in the damp foggy air here, my ears fall in love with each roar of the fast car in the streets and that brrrr!ttt! of silencer-less motor bikes, my eyes seem to find every person smiling and oh those street lights and traffic lights....or when I touch a wall or a door it grabs my hand and says - Don't Go...
Suddenly little things are becoming special, suddenly I am in love with waking up to the busy and noisy traffic here, suddenly I am thrilled to see my siblings shout about in the house and suddenly I want to spend my every waking hour hugging and loving each person close to my heart.. This sudden desire to be present came to me because I realized I would be absent. Or was I absent and just became present? My desire to live the moment came with the fear of losing this moment, and this discovery is just so fascinating for me...
But, do we always have to "leave" to discover how important the little details of our life are? Can we not have that feeling of first time or last time I am seeing/feeling/doing this thing and have the best of every passing moment?
I once read that life isn't really lived if it didn't squeeze the juices off your body. Just like that I believe life isn't really lived if YOU didn't squeeze every last bit of that juice from each of its micro second and savoured it with some delicious cookies of gratitude.