Packing, Planning and Preparing for the Unreasonable Institute!

8 days left until the first ever Unreasonable Institute begins.... the thought itself is scary and exciting! However the most noticeable thing is right when things are being whole lot of a rush for the Unreasonable Institute official team, their enthusiasm keeps growing with it.... tough people, I was thinking while reading down the ever inspiring emails coming on our way while we now pack for Boulder, Colorado!

For me this is just the first of its kind experience where thrilling set of expectations, hopes, fears and odd enough... confusion come along. 10 week stay with worlds most high-impact ventures is nothing that I have experienced before! Of course YouthActionNet(R) Retreat is an exception which has shifted the paradigms of us fellows in just 8 days! I cant forget the time when I was training my team for a whole month on what I had learned during my short time in DC ! 8 days impact was overwhelmingly visible and now we are talking about 10 weeks in a row, We might in fact overflow with skills and expertise:)

While discussing our preparations, one of the fellows pointed out it was quite hard to wrap up while we prepare to take off to Boulder.... I had contemplated on this statement for so long I almost lost its meaning, but then again the importance remained. Total devotion to our ventures is needed at the Unreasonable Institute and it could not be made possible with our mind still strolling back to un-done things back in our countries. However for me wrapping up came with a little more of a different meaning, while I too am wrapping up my work here at Sughar, I am also concentrating on emptying my cup for the Institute..... I dont know if this means I am putting all my expectations on the Institute but for me the sole reason is the rarity of such experiences in my life where the offer was far too high and thus I don't mind being selfish enough to empty my mind off every little bits and pieces of whats inside to take in each second of what I learn from the Unreasonable Institute:)

Now when I pack for this great adventure ahead I leave behind every thing except for the vision, to create a society where women are NOT killed for "honor" but are honored and given equal status and rights.